*Upcoming events will be added as scheduled…
REAL-ationships™ is a social networking and personal development group created by Relationship Coach Dave Elliott of Legendary Love For Life.
It’s designed for people who are serious about finding a partner and are ready for the REAL thing. The group’s mission is to bring together great people who want more out of their lives and their partnerships with others. Does that sound good so far?
We’ve all had relationships that didn’t go the way we wanted them. I know I have…and at some point, I had to realize the only thing those relationships had in common was me. That’s why I spent more than a dozen years after my own painful divorce learning from the best of the best in the field of relationships. It’s also why I’ve made it my mission to share with others the secrets I’ve learned, too. The great news is that I’ve had some outstanding success in helping my clients leave behind or transform relationships that kept them stuck. I’ve watched them attract incredible new partners…get engaged…and even get married! Want to see for yourself? Check out these testimonials:
If you’re ready to attract and meet someone really special, this will be a great place to learn how to be the very best you can be while meeting other like-minded and available people in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. If you want to quickly learn how to get out of your own way and attract quality partners – REAL-ationships™ is the place for you. Maybe you’d like to transform a potential partnership that just isn’t where you need it to be…we can help you there, too. Each meeting, we’ll have a short, targeted piece of content, maybe an activity to generate discussion and we’ll also share a meal while getting to know one another in a relaxed atmosphere.
REAL-ationships™ is right for you if:
• You are committed to attracting top-quality people into your social circle. Show me the 5 people you’re closest to and I will show you your life.
• You are ready to get out and have fun and look forward to attending our events!
* You’re ready to forgive yourself for what you didn’t know at the time, learn from your past mistakes and find out about a better way that works.
• You want to develop new skills, awareness and behaviors that will attract the partner of your dreams.
• You’re willing to stop making the same mistakes over and over again and quickly learn a smarter way that feels a lot better, too.
• You want to be comfortable in any social setting and develop close friendships with others in a warm, mutually supportive environment.
• You’re open to being the man or woman you need to be in order to have what you say you want.
One last thing. As you learn a better way, you’re willing to help others also. If this sounds like you, you’re ready for REAL-ationships™! I welcome you and look forward to serving you. Let’s create something great together!